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A VPN Can Provide an Extra Layer of Cyber Protection

A VPN Can Provide an Extra Layer of Cyber Protection

Combine the ever-increasing danger of cyber attacks with continued remote working conditions for many, and the necessity for a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is on the rise.


What is a VPN?

A VPN is a network system that exists outside of the Internet. Its chief merit is the use of extra security and encryption measures that not only protect data, but also your identity, when navigating online.

A VPN doesn’t depend on a particular network. It can be used if inside the office or with home Wi-Fi; once installed on a device (desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone) it can be used over any network. Consider, too, that a VPN allows the protection of numerous devices with a single account.


What are some other advantages of a VPN?

Files can be shared with others over lengthy periods of time minus the worry of data being stolen or revealed. And since a VPN is a network, it can be accessed remotely – an element of high priority these days when so many people are working from home. The same level of protection exists no matter your location when using a VPN.

A VPN protects identity, essentially making users anonymous – a crucial factor today when there are hackers constantly at the ready to exploit identity and data. Through use of a VPN, websites, online applications, etc. can be accessed under the veil of anonymity.

Improved bandwidth and efficiency are additional hallmarks of VPNs.

It should be noted that use of a VPN can result in speed reduction due to the time required for encryption. As such, the data has to “travel” more than usual, potentially leading to slightly slower connections.

In order to be a successful remote employee, you need the right tools. Today, when cyber security risks are heightened, the home office worker must take as many precautions as possible. In addition to installing antivirus software on devices and regularly backing up critical data, a VPN can provide an extra layer of security. Learn more by emailing us:

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