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Managed Print Services (MPS)




Managed Print Services (MPS) is a way of managing your company’s or organization’s printing needs by outsourcing the management of printing devices.

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Informational Sections
What are Managed Print Services (MPS)?
What are the Benefits of Managed Print Services (MPS)?
What to Look for in a Managed Print Services (MPS) Provider
Are Managed Print Services (MPS) Sustainable?
Best Managed Print Services (MPS) Practices
Are Managed Print Services (MPS) Secure?
Why are Managed Print Services (MPS) Important to my Business?
What is the Future of Managed Print Services (MPS)?



What is MPS
What are Managed Print Services (MPS)?
Managed Print Services (MPS) is an approach to managing an organization's printing needs that involves outsourcing the management of printing devices, such as printers, copiers, and multifunction devices, to a third-party service provider. The goal of MPS is to optimize the printing infrastructure, reduce costs, and improve efficiency and productivity.

MPS providers typically offer a range of services, such as device monitoring and maintenance, supplies management, document management, and cost analysis and reporting. They may also provide software solutions to help manage and automate printing workflows, improve document security, and reduce environmental impact.

The MPS provider typically works closely with the client to understand their printing needs and goals, and develops a customized solution that meets those requirements while minimizing costs and improving performance. By outsourcing print management, organizations can focus on their core business activities, while the MPS provider takes care of managing the printing infrastructure.

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Benefits of MPS
What are the Benefits of Managed Print Services (MPS)?
There are several benefits of using Managed Print Services (MPS) for an organization, including:

  • Cost savings: MPS providers can help reduce printing costs by optimizing the printing infrastructure, consolidating devices, and negotiating better deals on supplies and maintenance.
  • Improved productivity: MPS can help streamline printing processes, reduce downtime, and automate routine tasks, allowing employees to focus on their core responsibilities.
  • Enhanced security: MPS providers can help improve document security by implementing secure printing solutions, such as user authentication, encryption, and secure document storage.
  • Reduced environmental impact: MPS providers can help organizations reduce their environmental impact by implementing sustainable printing practices, such as duplex printing, reducing paper waste, and recycling.
  • Better visibility and control: MPS providers can provide detailed reports and analytics on printing usage, costs, and trends, enabling organizations to make data-driven decisions and manage their printing infrastructure more effectively.
  • Scalability: MPS solutions are flexible and can be tailored to meet the changing needs of an organization as it grows or evolves over time.

Overall, MPS can help organizations improve their printing processes, reduce costs, increase productivity, and enhance security, while also promoting sustainability and providing greater visibility and control over printing activities.

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What to look for in MPS Provider
What to Look for in a Managed Print Services (MPS) Provider
When selecting a Managed Print Service (MPS) provider, there are several factors to consider. Here are some key things to look for:

  • Experience and expertise: Look for an MPS provider with extensive experience in managing printing infrastructure and a deep understanding of the latest technologies and trends in the industry.
  • Customized solutions: Choose an MPS provider that can tailor their services to your organization's specific needs and goals, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.
  • Service level agreements (SLAs): Make sure the MPS provider offers clear and measurable SLAs that align with your organization's requirements and expectations.
  • Security: Ensure that the MPS provider has robust security protocols in place to protect your confidential and sensitive documents and data.
  • Reporting and analytics: Look for an MPS provider that can provide detailed reports and analytics on printing usage, costs, and trends, allowing you to make informed decisions and optimize your printing infrastructure.
  • Sustainability: Consider an MPS provider that prioritizes sustainability and can help your organization reduce its environmental impact through sustainable printing practices.
  • Customer service: Choose an MPS provider that offers responsive and reliable customer service, with a dedicated support team that can quickly address any issues or concerns that may arise.

Overall, selecting the right MPS provider can have a significant impact on your organization's printing operations, efficiency, and bottom line. It's important to do your research, assess your needs, and choose a provider that aligns with your organization's goals and values.


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Sustainable MPS
Are Managed Print Services (MPS) Sustainable?
Yes, Managed Print Services (MPS) can be a sustainable solution for organizations that prioritize environmental responsibility. MPS providers can help organizations reduce their environmental impact in several ways:

  • Paper reduction: MPS providers can help organizations implement paper-saving solutions, such as duplex printing, print reduction policies, and electronic document management, which can reduce paper waste and consumption.
  • Energy efficiency: MPS providers can help organizations optimize their printing infrastructure, consolidating devices, and using energy-efficient equipment, which can reduce energy consumption and lower carbon emissions.
  • Toner and ink management: MPS providers can help organizations manage their toner and ink usage, reducing waste and promoting responsible disposal and recycling.
  • Environmental certifications: Some MPS providers have achieved environmental certifications, such as ENERGY STAR, EPEAT, or Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), which demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices.
  • Reporting and analytics: MPS providers can provide detailed reports and analytics on printing usage, costs, and trends, which can help organizations identify areas for improvement and optimize their printing infrastructure for sustainability.
  • Overall, MPS can be a sustainable solution that helps organizations reduce their environmental impact, conserve resources, and promote responsible business practices.

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Best Practices MPS
What are Managed Print Services (MPS) Best Practices?
Here are some Managed Print Services (MPS) best practices that organizations can follow to ensure the successful implementation and management of their printing infrastructure:

  • Conduct a comprehensive assessment: Before implementing an MPS solution, conduct a thorough assessment of your organization's printing infrastructure and usage patterns to identify areas for improvement and cost-saving opportunities.
  • Develop a clear strategy: Develop a clear and comprehensive strategy for implementing and managing the MPS solution, with specific goals, metrics, and timelines.
  • Choose the right MPS provider: Choose an MPS provider that aligns with your organization's needs, goals, and values and has the necessary experience, expertise, and technology to deliver the desired outcomes.
  • Implement best-in-class technology: Choose the latest and most advanced printing technology that meets your organization's needs and requirements and provides the best performance, reliability, and security.
  • Optimize printing processes: Streamline printing processes, eliminate unnecessary printing, and implement automated workflows to reduce manual intervention and errors.
  • Monitor and report: Monitor MPS performance regularly, analyze usage data, and generate reports that provide insights and recommendations for optimizing performance, reducing costs, and improving efficiency.
  • Ensure security and compliance: Implement robust security measures, such as user authentication, data encryption, and secure document storage, to protect confidential and sensitive information and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Promote user awareness and adoption: Educate and train users on MPS best practices, encourage responsible printing behavior, and promote adoption of the new printing infrastructure and processes.

By following these best practices, organizations can optimize their printing infrastructure, reduce costs, improve efficiency and productivity, enhance security, and promote sustainability and environmental responsibility.

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Security MPS
Are Managed Print Services (MPS) Secure?
Managed Print Services (MPS) can be secure if the provider implements the necessary security measures and best practices. Here are some ways that MPS providers can ensure the security of their services:

  • Secure printing: Implement secure printing solutions, such as user authentication, data encryption, and secure document storage, to protect confidential and sensitive information from unauthorized access or theft.
  • Printer security: Ensure that printers and other devices in the printing infrastructure are properly secured, with the latest security updates and patches installed, and protected against hacking and other cyber threats.
  • Compliance: Confirm that their services comply with relevant regulatory and compliance requirements, such as HIPAA, GDPR, and PCI DSS.
  • Data privacy: Ensure that they protect customer data privacy by implementing strict data handling and retention policies and adhering to privacy regulations and standards.
  • Physical security: Ensure that their facilities and equipment are physically secure, with access controls, video surveillance, and other security measures in place to prevent unauthorized access or theft.

Overall, organizations can ensure the security of their MPS services by working with a reputable provider that has a proven track record of implementing security best practices and adhering to relevant regulations and standards. It's also important for organizations to establish clear security requirements and expectations with their MPS provider and regularly monitor and evaluate the security of their printing infrastructure.


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Why I need MPS
Why are Managed Print Services (MPS) Important for my Business?
Managed Print Services (MPS) are important to businesses for several reasons:

  • Cost savings: Helps organizations save money by optimizing their printing infrastructure, reducing print volumes, and implementing cost-saving measures such as print policies, duplex printing, and toner and ink management.
  • Improved efficiency: Improve the efficiency of printing processes, reducing the time and resources required to manage printing infrastructure and freeing up employees to focus on other tasks.
  • Enhanced security: Implement security measures to protect confidential and sensitive information, such as user authentication, data encryption, and secure document storage.
  • Sustainability: Helps organizations reduce their environmental impact by implementing paper-saving solutions, energy-efficient equipment, and toner and ink management programs.
  • Predictable budgeting: Provide predictable budgeting and forecasting for printing costs, reducing the risk of unexpected expenses and enabling organizations to better plan for their printing needs.
  • Scalability: Can be scaled up or down based on changing business needs, ensuring that printing infrastructure is always aligned with organizational requirements.

Overall, MPS can help organizations achieve their business goals by improving efficiency, reducing costs, enhancing security, promoting sustainability, and providing predictable budgeting and scalability. By working with a reputable MPS provider, organizations can benefit from the provider's expertise, technology, and best practices, freeing up internal resources to focus on core business activities.

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Future of MPS
What is the Future of Managed Print Services (MPS)?
The future of Managed Print Services (MPS) is likely to be shaped by several trends and developments, including:

  • Digital transformation: As businesses increasingly adopt digital technologies and workflows, MPS providers will need to adapt and evolve their offerings to support digital printing, document management, and workflow automation.
  • Cloud computing: Cloud-based MPS solutions are becoming more prevalent, enabling organizations to manage their printing infrastructure and data from anywhere and providing scalability, flexibility, and cost savings.
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning: MPS providers are using artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate printing processes, optimize workflows, and analyze usage data to provide insights and recommendations for improving performance and reducing costs.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): The Internet of Things (IoT) is enabling MPS providers to remotely monitor and manage printers and other devices in the printing infrastructure, enabling proactive maintenance, reducing downtime, and improving performance.
  • Security and compliance: With cybersecurity threats on the rise and data privacy regulations becoming more stringent, MPS providers will need to focus on enhancing security and compliance measures to protect confidential and sensitive information.
  • Sustainability: As organizations increasingly prioritize sustainability, MPS providers will need to develop and promote eco-friendly solutions that minimize paper waste, reduce energy consumption, and promote responsible printing behavior.
Overall, the future of MPS is likely to be shaped by these and other trends, with providers adapting and evolving their offerings to meet changing customer needs and business requirements.