The Pulse Blog

The Pulse Blog



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Connecting the dots where physical and digital security intersect

Every business owner should understand the critical importance of protecting his/her/their business from outside threats or ...
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Cyber Incident Response Plan: Building Resilience Against Threats

Imagine waking up to find your business paralyzed by a cyber attack—sensitive data stolen, finances in turmoil, and your ...
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Penetration Testing 101 - Find Your Weaknesses Before Hackers Do

Imagine a security guard testing the strength of your castle walls. Penetration testing, also referred to as pen testing, is the ...
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The Essential Guide to Business Data Backup

In the digital age, where data is the lifeblood of businesses, ensuring its protection is paramount. Business data backup is not ...
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Data Management Best Practices: Protecting Your Data in the New Year

As we start this new year, it’s the perfect time to take stock of your company’s data protection practices.
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Common Cybersecurity Terms

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. And as cybersecurity has come more front and center into our everyday lives, we thought ...
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Essential Cybersecurity Tips for Businesses

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, but that doesn’t mean that our cyber awareness shouldn’t be equally front and center ...
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How to Protect Your Sensitive Information with Email Encryption

A recent study found that only 35% of businesses have extensive encryption deployed on their emails.
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Back to school: Reading, writing, and cybersecurity

Before we know it, schools will be open again. As educators prepare to welcome their students in a few short weeks, it’s the ...
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