Are Managed Print Services (MPS) Sustainable?

Yes, Managed Print Services (MPS) can be a sustainable solution for organizations that prioritize environmental responsibility. MPS providers can help organizations reduce their environmental impact in several ways:

  • Paper reduction: MPS providers can help organizations implement paper-saving solutions, such as duplex printing, print reduction policies, and electronic document management, which can reduce paper waste and consumption.
  • Energy efficiency: MPS providers can help organizations optimize their printing infrastructure, consolidating devices, and using energy-efficient equipment, which can reduce energy consumption and lower carbon emissions.
  • Toner and ink management: MPS providers can help organizations manage their toner and ink usage, reducing waste and promoting responsible disposal and recycling.
  • Environmental certifications: Some MPS providers have achieved environmental certifications, such as ENERGY STAR, EPEAT, or Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), which demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices.
  • Reporting and analytics: MPS providers can provide detailed reports and analytics on printing usage, costs, and trends, which can help organizations identify areas for improvement and optimize their printing infrastructure for sustainability.
  • Overall, MPS can be a sustainable solution that helps organizations reduce their environmental impact, conserve resources, and promote responsible business practices.